Naomi Osaka has withdrawn from the French Open. She said she would not participate in press conferences and that this move was to put her mental health first.
This move caused her Ksh 1.5 million fine.
“I think now the best thing for the tournament, the other players, and my well-being is that I withdraw so that everyone can get back to focusing on the tennis going on in Paris. I never wanted to be a distraction, and I accept that my timing was not ideal and the message could have been clearer.”
Osaka has battled depression and anxiety in the past.
Media personality Julie Gichuru took to social media to applaud her;
“Always stand up for yourself. Set boundaries. How do you expect to be treated? What is the red line? Draw that line – clearly. Where you have control take action when people step past the line. If you don’t have control, seek allies and support for action. ?No one else will do it for you. No one else understands you as well as you do. Look after yourself by standing up for yourself, and enabling others to know and align with your expectations. Sadly, so often people do not realise or do this.But you owe it to yourself. To your wellbeing. ❤Proud of #NaomiOsakaMay she go from strength to strength ?”
Another media personality Betty Kyallo described Osaka as fearless and Brave;
“She’s Such a Hero! She reminds me so much of myself. Non-Conformist, Brave and Fearless. We should all learn from her. I always come first. My Peace, My Joy, My Sanity Comes First. I do whats best for me Always. You should too. She’s A winner. @naomiosaka and we low key look a like.”
Osaka says she is now taking some time away from the court.


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