Vera Sidika and Huddah Monroe are the last of the veteran socialites still holding out on having kids. Yep, the two are in their 30’s and are still living their fabulous lives unencumbered by the drudgery of changing nappies and burping babies.
Thing is, while the two are happy to be childless, there are Kenyans who are impatiently waiting for the two to start that journey of having little ones.
2021 has seen the two swat stories about getting kids and it seems that Vera isn’t done dealing with the mindless rumours concerning why she hasn’t had a baby yet.
This week, Vera disclosed that she can only have a baby when she finds the right man (Is the right man her current husband, Brown Mauzo?) She added that she has been preventing pregnancy in her previous relationships and has never been pregnant.
In a Q&A post, she wrote,
”People have this narrative that I’m a bad b*tch and should be having like 10 kids with different baby daddies by now. Let me tell you a secret; bad girls r the most careful ones.”
She added, “I can’t just go around having babies with everyone. I’ve never gotten pregnant coz I always prevent it. But the day I do, it’s cause I am ready at that time and want it…Where and when did I hide my tummy. I’ll go on IG live tomorrow with full tummy showing so u can show me the pregnancy.”
Funny thing is that Vera confessed that she had aborted Otile Brown’s baby after the split up acrimoniously back in 2018. Doesn’t this count as a pregnancy?