A traffic police officer was seriously injured following a hit and run accident at Voi junction.

The officer was manning the junction when a speeding vehicle ran over him. The accident took place after the driver defied orders to stop after being flagged down by the officer. The driver drove past the area running over the officer.

Following the incident, the cop sustained head injuries after he fell out of a heavy knock he got from the vehicle.

Emergency responders rushed the injured officer to the nearby hospital for medical attention.

Area traffic commandant confirmed the incident saying a manhunt has been launched to locate and apprehend the perpetrator. So far, police have interviewed witnesses and recorded statements.

This comes weeks after the National Transport and Safety Authority (NTSA) launched a crackdown on traffic law offenders in a bid to curb road accidents that have continued to claim lives across the country.

NTSA warned drivers against reckless driving, urging them to exercise caution on the roads.


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