President William Ruto has appointed the Chief of Defence Forces Charles Kahariri to be the Chairperson of presidential taskforce of the Kenya Home of Human Origins Museum and Science Park in the lake Turkana Basin. The Chief of Defence Forces was also assigned the duty of climate conservation by the president.

President Ruto has focused on using the military in pushing his agenda on matters climate and heritage conservation. It’s important to know that the military plays a major role in helping the country make progress.

President Ruto’s move to appoint the Chief of Defence Forces in various portfolios comes after the unfortunate death of Francis Ogolla. The president has been keen to ensure that interests of ordinary citizens are taken care off.

The Chief of Defence Forces Charles Kahariri is one of those whom the president believes are able to help him push his agenda through. It’s clear that, Kenya has had a lot of challenges on critical sectors and this are some of the issues that government is fully focused on. It’s important to know that, the president has assigned CDF Kahariri other duties including renovation and construction of major stadiums in the country.

Several stadiums are under construction and renovation including Kasarani and this is a welcome move. Whether this approach by government to give military civilian jobs will help the country make progress, let’s wait and see of what will happen. The fact of the matter is that, Kenya has has major challenges and this are issues that the president is focused on addressing through military accuracy and precision.

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