Former Nyeri town MP Ngunjiri Wambugu has reacted after Musalia Mudavadi met with Wycliffe Oparanya. Ngunjiri Wambugu wrote as follows on his Facebook account. “If it had been the Deputy President who met a CS Nominee from Mt Kenya to discuss how to empower the region”. Below is a Facebook link post with full evidence.
Kenyans have reacted to this matter thus resulting to mixed reactions. A netizen by the name Mkenya reacted by saying as follows. “The difference is clear see that Mudavadi is doing it openly it is not a secret meeting like the one done by you people”. Owour reacted by saying as follows. “Advise Deputy President to be nationalistic if he aspires to be president. You can love your community without being too noisy about it”.
Mathew reacted by saying as follows. “Definitely and that call for a holistic regional dialogue on the way forward towards achieving development and visa creating opportunities for the youths who hail from these regions”. Renny reacted by saying as follows. “Yes he said how they can empower the people of Western Kenya not how they can demand more stake in government shares that’s the point of difference”.
By Star