Martha Mugure who is a minister,a mother and who is famously known for the “no rikiki ” comment in a video clip that circulated tells the story of how that comment made her get chased out of church.

She was born in Kikuyu area as the first born having three siblings they later relocated to Lioki in Githunguri where she did her primary exams and later joined her mom who was working in Tigoni Limuru for her high school studies.

After highschool she got a job as a waitress in a hotel in Nakuru when working here she met her late husband and within no time they got married they were then blessed with four kids;three boys and a girl.

After some time however,the husband passed away due to leukemia leaving her with four kids she says the period was very difficult for her since she got into depression but she overcame.

It was after the death of the husband that she decided to try out her childhood dreams of being an actress and was featured on shows like Njoro wa Uber,auntie boss and many others at this time she also received her calling into ministry.

Martha says she has ministered in so many different places and the challenges are so many most especially considering that she is a single mother she however says through prayer she has overcome.

On that particular day that the trending clip was recorded she says that the words “No Rikiki no Rikiki……” she uttered on that stage were not to play with the holy spirit but were just words that came out of her . She has further explained it meant the heavens are silent.

The particular video caused so many reactions from the people and also put her in the limelight she was even invited for an interview to clear the air however,the minister who had invited her to where the clip was taken told her to turn it down.

Martha says that she saw it no right no turn the interview down so she went and expressed herself without mentioning any names but basically cleared the air and elaborated what she meant.

She says after the interview so many doors opened for her however,it was also after the interview that she found videos circulating of her fellow minister saying that he was no longer working with her and didn’t want her in his church .

This broke Martha’s heart but she says she will not stop serving God no matter the challenges she faces. Do you think that the comments Minister Martha made were wrong?

Follow the link to get her side of the story

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