Deputy President Rigathi Gachagua is attending a church fundraising in Maragua constituency Murang’a county.

The DP is accompanied by a host of MPs who have pledged allegiance to him in the wake of alleged fallout with President William Ruto.

The country’s second in command is being hosted by area MP Mary Wa Maua at Kaharate Catholic Church in Murang’a South.

“Nobody should threaten us,” said Wa Mau during the service.

All eyes are on Gachagua who this week launched an aggressive fightback against some top government officials.

Gachagua accused the officials of allegedly harassing MPs allied to him and those who voted against the Finance Bill, 2024.

The DP accused National Intelligence Service boss Noordin Haji of allegedly cooking intel reports to link him and Retired President Uhuru Kenyatta to the Generation Z protests.

Gachagua on Wednesday demanded that Haji step down from his position to pave the way for a more competent Director General.

Addressing the press in Mombasa, a seemingly agitated DP blamed the NIS for the current anti-government protests which he said have led to deaths and destruction.

He said that the NIS failed in its mandate to inform the head of state of the situation on the ground before the citizens took to the streets.

“Ruto deserves better, he deserves a DG who knows what he is doing, who is effective and can analyse situations to keep the government informed,” said Gachagua.

Public Service Cabinet Secretary Moses Kuria has also attacked Gachagua over his allegations against government officials and the Finance Bill, 2024.

Kuria has however branded Gachagua a liar, saying the DP is a part and parcel of the Kenya Kwanza team that was pushing for the proposed law.

“The Committee meeting that endorsed the original Finance Bill which included VAT for milk and bread was chaired by the Deputy President. What a lying, dishonourable man!” the minister wrote on X on Wednesday night.

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