Hours after Kakamega Congressperson Boni Khalwale took on Kapseret MP Oscar Sudi over an charged gift of Ksh20 million amid a later church pledge drive, the MP has reacted.

Through his Facebook page, Sudi lashed out at Khalwale saying he ought to rise over unimportant legislative issues. He rubbished claims that he contributed Ksh20m in a church single-handedly.

Agreeing to Sudi, he, in conjunction with other companions as it were pledge drive seven million shillings, including that the church had as of now raised 14 million shillings some time recently Harambee.

“kSH20 million was the entire sum raised in that pledge drive. As a matter of fact, the church had raised 14 million earlier to that Harambee. We as it were included the Ksh7 million along with friends. Don’t inquire me where I got the money since I have been contributing this for a long time from my possess cash. Even the observe simply individuals are talking almost, I bought it a long time back indeed some time recently we came into control,” he expressed

He denounced Khawlale saying he accepts in destitution and don’t need anyone to succeed. He said a individual o his stature ought to be intelligent and halt thinking from a nearby point of view.

This was after Khalwale challenged Ruto to consider preparing his weapons on debasement in his government. He said CS Linthuri in fertilizer outrage and Sudi due to the huge sums of cash he contributes in Harambees.

“Those pioneers who are around you who have picked up gigantic sums of cash in less than five a long time are in address. Mr. President, how can a ordinary MP go to a Harambee and give Ksh20 million in one church and move to the following church to give a unused brand to a church padre? Is that not showing riches that has been stolen from Kenyans?” postured Khalwale amid a church benefit nowadays.

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