Patience -So many people get into relationship expecting so much and they end up disappointed.Its good to learn your partner and get to actually know them before laying out your needs and expecting an ASAP reaction.Learn to be patient with your person and you’ll see how it pays.

Ground rules- It’s always good to lay out some rules not because you don’t trust each but because to need consistency in every decision to make together.For instance you both have a fight and start arguing .Do you actually listen to your partner or do you keep yapping without listening coz thats where you say some offensive things you can’t take back. Its good to listen and understand each other and find the cause of the fight without offending each other.

Appreciate each other-There so many ways of making your partner feel appreciated. You can constantly compliment them , you can decide to gift each other monthly ,making the small gestures ,take them out for dates doesn’t have to be expensive the thought is what what matters.

Ladies can seem very difficult to read, but there are some things and signs that she gives off that can help you understand and read her. Seldom in this country do ladies confront a Man to express her feelings to him. As a result, Men have the sole responsibility to read a lady to tell if she likes him, after he has confirmed her feelings for him, he can then proceed to ask her out on dates. For men to be able to read ladies, there are some things that are to be looked out for that will help them know when a lady starts having feelings and wants you to ask her out. Some things ladies will start doing when they start having feelings for you are as follows.

  1. Pet names

The moment you notice a lady starts calling you pet names like, hubby, Hun, sweetie, babe, baby, etc… just know she is fond of you. These things will be very much noticeable in texts and chats you two are having together. When you notice these, you can go forward by asking her out.

  1. Wants to know more about your love life and tease you.

When a lady starts teasing and asking you questions like, what will your girlfriend think about this, I don’t want your girlfriend to be angry at me, your girlfriend is so lucky to have you, etc… she is most likely developing feelings for you, but she is scared you have a Girl in your life. This is a way ladies try to inquire if a man is single without appearing desperate.

  1. Checks up on you daily

When a lady starts developing feelings for you, she will want to hear from you every day. Usually, you will notice that she gets so angry at you when you go a day without talking to her on phone or texts. She will always reply your messages as soon as she gets them and will want to be part of your day. This is a sign that she’s having feelings for you.

  1. Starts asking you availability

When she always wants to spend quality time with you, no matter how busy she is, she is most likely falling in love with you. At this point, she is silently praying you ask her out.

  1. She will want to impress even with dressing

When a Lady is having feelings for you, she will go out of her way to dress to impress you. She will start making gorgeous hair, nails, and getting new dresses. All is to impress, so you can find her very attractive, hoping you ask her out

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