In the late 90s, Kenya was hit by a series of violent criminal activities perpetrated by three of the most wanted gangsters in the country namely; Bernard Matheri Thuo alias ‘Rasta’, Antony Ngugi Kanagi, alias Wacucu, and Gerald Wambugu Munyeria, alias Wanugu.

The three terrorised residents of Nairobi and surrounding towns, prompting the government to put in place an elite quad named Alpha Romeo to hunt the trio down.

Alpha Romeo succeeded in neutralising Wacucu and Wanugu, but Rasta proved to be a hard nut to crack.

It is at this point that Daniel Seronei, then head of Alpha Romeo took it upon himself to hunt down Rasta.

His first assignment was getting a partner to work with on the mission, which he did after a visit to Juja police station.

According to Seronei, while making a visit to Juja Police station, he identified a female policer officer named Amina Chute, from the Borana community, who he felt would make a great partner.

After securing the necessary approvals, he proceeded to train Amina on close combat battles and how to hunt dangerous criminals.

Seronei and Amina built a close bond that saw them go undercover and work with members of Rasta’s team without their knowledge.

File image of Amina Chute. [Photo: Courtesy]

Seronei and Amina worked together well and made significant progress in the hunt against Rasta, until a day when they nearly met their death.

According to Seronei, there was a robbery in Nairobi CBD which involved a group of criminals using two vehicles.

After the robbery, the group escaped towards Thika Road but Seronei and Amina were on patrol in the area, so they decided to chase the criminals.

Unaware that the robbers had two cars, Seronei and Amina focused on the lead car, only to discover that they had been sandwiched and were walking into an ambush.

“There was a car in front of us and one behind… we could not escape as they had noticed us. We had to fight. I was shot in the hips and Amina in the hand,” Seronei narrated.

Unfortunately, during the fight, one of the criminals whom they had worked with during their undercover operations identified them, a move that prompted Amina to quit the service and move abroad.

After moving abroad, not much was heard about her until she came back as a content creator on TikTok.

Under the name Amina Said Moussa, she shares content around her daily life in the United Kingdom where she currently resides.

Her account had over 700,000 followers as of March 15 2024, with her videos accumulating over 8 million likes as of the same date.

From her videos, Amina seems to be in the transport business, as most of her clips are shot on a track and feature her in an orange reflector jacket.

She recently came back to Kenya and spent time with Seronei. Media reports indicate that Amina and her family are keen on seeking medical assistance for Seronei who reportedly has bullets lodged inside him.

By NAirobinews

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