MP Kuria Kimani upon reappearing to the public a long absence due to Gen Z protesters torching his home and properties announced about a major event at Mariashoni Center yesterday.

In his announcement yesterday Kimani shared updates and future plans for his area. He noted that Mariashoni Ward had only 37% electricity connectivity in 2017, but they aim to reach 100% by 2026. He also mentioned 15 new road projects, a new police station and an athletics training camp as part of ongoing development efforts.

Kimani emphasized the continuous transformation in Molo, his constituency. He encouraged residents to attend the event to discuss further development initiatives. His message highlighted his strong commitment to improving infrastructure and services in his area, despite recent setbacks.The MP’s proactive stance and engagement with his constituents reflect his determination to uplift the area and address their needs effectively.

The MP Kimani has then today on Saturday the exact day of the even been seen heading to the venue while on a bodaboda as the residents cheered him up and took snaps with him


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