“Words cannot adequately describe what this year has meant to me. God I’m so grateful that you kept me. When the darkness threatened to swallow me whole, YOU kept me. You kept my faith. You sat with me in the darkness and whispered hope. Looking back, I see the evidence of your goodness all over my life. You are truly a good Father.” She wrote
“As long as we live in a fallen world there’s no guarantee that our hearts won’t break; but when they do break, God puts them back together, piece by piece. This is what 2021 has been for me. Healing, mending…rising up.And this one thing I’m sure of: I will see the goodness of God in the land of the living.I now know that faith doesn’t make sense; faith doesn’t answer all our questions, but knows where to take them. If we had tangible proof of everything, we wouldn’t need faith.So as we usher in a new year, I’m holding on to God’s infallible word. #itshallendinpraise.”
In 2021, the gospel singer lost her second born child Malachi. Her first born child Nat turned two years this year.


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