Actress Sandra Dacha has finally joined the gym to participate in exercises to improve the health and appearance of her body.The actor who likes to identify herself as the big machine by his nickname, uploaded a video on her Facebook page while she was in the gym doing weight lifting exercises.In the video, Dacha, who seems to have already participated in the exercise for several minutes, appeared to be covered in a lot of sweat, panting and wiping the sweat away using her clothes.She was sitting on a piece of exercise equipment and she wrote that “It’s not easy” to show how people who participate in weight lifting to improve their appearance end up with bad luck.Dacha is famous on the internet for being one young woman who is not ashamed to be proud of her body, despite being ridiculed and harassed by internet users.Her fans seemed to encourage her not to give up in training, advicing her that, hard work and effort pays off in the end.
by: Sally