husband with cryptic messages following exposè interview (Screenshots)
Things between Anerlisa Muigai and Ben Pol will continue to get ugly; as long as the two parties continue to throw shade at each other on social media.
Anerlisa and Ben Pol’s marriage ends in tears
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Just a few days ago Ben Pol held a candid interview with Sky from SnS media; where he opened up about his union with Anerlisa and at some point Ben Pol went on to disclose that after they parted ways; he doesn’t see himself ever getting back with the Keroche heiress for unknown reasons. Ben Pol said;
Judging from the rest of the interview, it was obvious to see that Ben Pol was concealing a little more information; but being a gentleman – he probably opted to leave some information out instead of washing his dirty linen in public.
Ben Pol and Anerlisa Muigai
Anerlisa Muigai with the shade
Well, hours after the interview ex wife Anerlisa Muigai also decided to ‘speak’ but as you all know; Anerlisa Muigai is all violence and a lot of shade.
Responding to her ex husband’s interview,Anerlisa shared a post that read;
Never trust your tongue when your heart is bitter.
And another post read;
People who are intimidated by you talk bad about you with hopes that others won’t find you so appealing.
Aner hits Ben Pol below the belt
Well, having proven that she can be mean and spoilt at the same time; Anerlisa shared another post where she threw shade at ex husband for apparently begging and letting her handle all the bills. Wow.
According to Anerlisa,
A man is supposed to provide & (protect) Not (beg)& collect
From the posts above, it’s clear that Anerlisa is attacking her ex husband who she claims is bitter; but with her savage posts directed towards him all the time – isn’t she also bitter?


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