For a while now, everyone has been looking down on the young Kenyans popularly known as ‘Generation Z’ something Kamene and Jalas warn against.
Reason being, this is one misunderstood group of Kenyans that are actually taking over various industries a step at a time.
Being as young as 20, they have decided to secure their futures as early as now by venturing into biasharas that will set them for life.
Kamene and Jalas gave a few examples of young Kenyans who run events company, beauty parlors, catering services among others.
They are calling on older people to just listen to their ideas and help them implement them.
“The last time we talked about generation Z watu walikuwa wanazusha sana you know they are not serious and all. Yesterday I was having a conversation with a couple of them and I realized we got it all the way twisted.” Kamene said.
Jalas said there are two groups that have defined generation Z.
“Them that have decided rieng is rieng and there is a group that has said as our counterparts YOLO, the future of our nation is on our hands and we are on the run.”
Are you of the age between 18-24?, What’s your hustle?