The Directorate of Criminal Investigations (DCI) broke its quiet today and delivered terrible news to government personnel in a variety of local and regional locations.
In a statement dated May 20, 2024, the Directorate of Criminal Investigations (DCI) stated that it is collaborating with prominent government agencies to conduct a thorough investigation of all government personnel in possession of phony academic diplomas.
The Directorate of Criminal Investigations (DCI) has stated that it is conducting a thorough inquiry into all government personnel who possess fraudulent and phony professional certificates.
The Directorate of Criminal Investigations emphasized that government employees who are discovered red-handed using bogus academic or professional certifications to acquire jobs in various government departments will face justice.
It is important to note that the Public Service Commission has stated that over 2,000 Kenyans working in the public sector used false academic and professional certifications to obtain jobs.
What are your opinions on the DCI’s statement to all government employees who have fraudulent academic certificates? Please share your thoughts, feelings, and ideas with us in the comments area.