Some Kenyan ladies have perfected the art of bringing along their squad to dates something that does not go down well with men.
Jalang’o now says if you are not sure about going for a date or date, trust your instincts and stay at home. Speaking during the Morning Kiss he advised;
“Do not go for a date if you are not sure, if you decide to go choose somewhere you are familiar with. When one goes on such dates I cannot even talk to you, your friends will also be judging me, I cannot be comfortable.
This is our date and not your friends date.”
My parents forced me to study law-Kamene
Kamene Goro has revealed she was forced to study law by her parents. The Morning Kiss host says she has always been passionate about journalism.
Jalang’o warned Kamene against such habits saying she might end up missing her Mr. Right.
“You are gonna lose potential people because of such behaviours, if you are not sure about me then place your friends on different corners. They can even sit on a different floor and in case of anything you can just text them.
Kidogo kidogo maybe your girlfriends end up liking me, who will you blame?”
The debate came about after Kamene narrated a story of a man who left a bill unpaid after the lady he asked out showed up with her entire squad.
“She showed up with a crew of 23 people. They all ordered food and when the bill came they gave it to the guy.
Ati she wanted to test the guy. The bill was around 315K, the guy decided to pay only for his own bill and left the ladies stranded.”
Do you go to dates with your girlfriends? If yes why do you do so.


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