A popular media personality shared a video on his YouTube channel where a lady named Betty Kim narrated her life journey and the challenges she went through in her childhood. Betty said she was born and raised in a family of 7 children her being the first born. When she was born, her mother was not married but she later found a husband and they moved to Murang’a.

When she was four years old, she lived with her grandparents and that her grandfather’s brother who is like her grandfather too locked her in a house and abused her sexually. After the act, he threatened her not to tell anyone and thus she kept quiet. The worst part is that she could not tell anyone and thus she lived with the trauma. Betty said her grandparents loves her so much but she just feels bad they couldn’t protect her from the evil deed done to her by her grandfather.

Betty said even though it was a one time thing, it hurts her so much. Her grandfather threatened to cut her into pieces if she would dare to tell anyone. Betty cried a lot due to pain from the act but fortunately the grandfather was arrested. Betty said she just lived to hate herself due to what was done to her. Watch the full story in the video below.

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