Media personality Loulou Hassan recently indulged her fans in QnA on Instagram that she never does. A curious fan asked why now and she said ‘just felt like’
Loulou is married to Rashid Abdalla and was asked what she likes the most about him. She replied ‘wisdom’
Another follower asked about her marriage and ‘what’s the secret to a successful marriage and staying in love with ones partner for so many years?’loulou and rashid military outfti
She had four pointers to help
‘Communication, Friendship, Respect, Commitment’ Adding ‘the rest will fall into place’.
The two Kiswahili anchors are couple goals to many and Loulou also revealed more personal details of their age difference with one fan thinking she is older than Rashid. They asked ‘is it true you are older than Rashid?’
An amused Loulou said “ghathoooo, ataringa leo…but naah Rash is 39 and am 37′


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