Willis Chimano is one of the most flamboyant and flashy members of the mega-band, Sauti Sol. In a recent interview with Wabosha Maxine, he revealed that he was related to band-mate, Bien Aime Barasa.
He revealed this after being asked to describe his musical journey, being asked how he got interested in music?
“Of course in church. My dad had a microphone at home and I used it to record myself. I would sing a lot of Celine Dion. Playing back the recordings of myself is when I realised that I could properly sing.”
Then he went to Kakamega High and he found out it wasn’t the school for him. “I insisted I couldn’t stay there for two more years and that was when I was sent to Upper Hill. That was where I met Bien and I later found out we were related,” he revealed.
He added,
“Bien was seating behind me and asked me if I wanted to join their acapella group. I then went for rehearsals and the rest is history.”
When did he realise this hobby could become a career? “After the first album and the first show, on the 12th of Dec 2008. Then we went on tour, and I didn’t pay and I got to travel. That’s when I started seeing opportunities. I said that I should give it my best and it would give me back.”


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