President William Ruto was on Thursday accorded full military honours complete with a 21 Gun Salute during the State Arrival Ceremony held at the White House, Washington DC.

The President and First Lady Rachel Ruto were welcomed at the event by President Joe Biden and First Lady Dr Jill Biden.

A breakdown of the sequence of events indicated that the ceremony would start with the US Coast Guard Band playing Ruffles and Flourishes and the Hail to the Chief at the South Lawn.

“It is customary for all present, and who are able, to stand when honours are rendered. All those in uniform execute a military salute,” the programme showed.

Ruffles and flourishes preceding fanfare for honours music and ceremonial music for distinguished people.

US ruffles are played on drums, and flourishes are played on bugles.

The president of the United States receives four ruffles and flourishes before Hail to the Chief.

Hail to the Chief is the personal anthem of the president of the United States, adapted by James Sanderson from an original Scottish Gaelic melody.

After this stage, President Biden and Dr Jill greeted Ruto and First Lady Rachel before they were introduced to the Official Welcoming Committee.

Thereafter, the US Military accorded Ruto a 21 21-gun salute.

Immediately after that, the National Anthems of both countries were played starting with Kenya’s.

“During the National Anthem of the Republic of Kenya, all Americans not in uniform should stand at attention. During the National Anthem of the United States, Americans not in uniform should stand at attention and place their right hand over their hearts,” the programme highlighting the sequence of events indicated.

“If a hat is won, it should be removed and held at the left shoulder, the right hand being at the heart.”

Invited guests at the South Law during the state arrival ceremony for President William Ruto at White House, May 23, 2024.
Invited guests at the South Law during the state arrival ceremony for President William Ruto at White House, May 23, 2024. Image: NANCY AGUTU
What followed next was the review of troops where the US Army Chief of Staff walked down and inspected the troops lined up in formation.

This was followed by Musical Troop in Review after which Biden made his remarks followed by Ruto after which the ceremony concluded.

After the ceremony, guests were directed to remain in place at The South Lawn until the two presidents, the first ladies, the Official Delegation, the Welcoming Committee and the Military Honor Guard had departed.

A brief history provided by the White House indicated that State Arrival ceremonies date as far back as the 17th century during which time visiting dignitaries were not always afforded a unanimously popular welcome as they served a more functional purpose.

US Coast Guard Band at White House during state arrival ceremony for President William Ruto, may 23, 2024.
US Coast Guard Band at White House during state arrival ceremony for President William Ruto, may 23, 2024. Image: NANCY AGUTU
“As late as the 17th century, a guard would be assigned to protect the visiting dignitary,” the White House said.

It said the modern arrival ceremonies have since evolved with different US presidents introducing new features at every turn.

“During the Truman administration, the visiting head of government would be met at Washington National Airport with a military honour guard. The visitor would review the honour guard and President Truman would give his remarks of welcome followed by the visitor’s remarks,” White House said.

It added that the president and his visitor would then drive to Washington with a motorcade that would be met by a military escort of marching troops and bands.

White House said during President Eisenhower’s administration, the air terminal was changed to Andrews Air Force Base but the tradition for the parade remained.

During this time, the ceremony site was the West Grounds of the Washington Monument and later the Ellipse, White House revealed.

It said President John F Kennedy’s administration brought the arrival ceremony to the South Lawn of the White House.

“The welcoming ceremony to the South Lawn provides a beautiful site for a warm and dignified welcome for the foreign visitor,” the White House said.

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