A woman from Tanzania named Latifa Musa recently shared her unusual secret to wealth – keeping a snake as a pet, which brings riches eliciting mixed reactions from among Kenyans online.

In an interview, she explained that this snake, which she keeps hidden in a special room, has brought her and her family financial success.

According to Musa, during a time of financial struggle, a friend introduced her to a specialist who provided her with the snake and specific instructions to follow. She claimed that by obeying these instructions and saying certain things, she would receive money when needed.

However, Musa clarified that the money she receives is not for investments but for buying luxurious items and supporting her family.

Her story sparked mixed reactions online, with some jokingly attributing the never-ending rain to her unconventional methods of gaining wealth. While others jokingly asked her where they could find one.

Below are some of the reactions from Kenyans online:

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