Suzanna Owiyo recently marked the first anniversary of her mother’s passing with a touching tribute on social media. The renowned singer shared emotional photos, including one of herself at her mother’s grave and another with her late mother, stirring deep emotions among her followers.

Owiyo expressed profound sadness and eternal love for her mother, calling her the greatest gift in her life. The anniversary brought back memories of their special bond, and her heartfelt message resonated with many.

In her emotional post, Owiyo wrote:

“Dear mum, a year has gone by, but your memory remains a treasure in my heart. I will always cherish the moments we shared. Your love was the greatest gift. I miss you today and always.”

Fans and followers offered their support and comforting words, acknowledging the pain of losing a mother and wishing Owiyo strength during this difficult time.

In the past, Owiyo also made headlines when she critiqued fellow artist Embarambamba. She expressed her concerns about his controversial performances, suggesting that his music did not fit within the traditional gospel genre. Owiyo even questioned whether his erratic behavior might point to deeper mental health issues, raising awareness about the importance of mental well-being in the entertainment industry.

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