The tragic case of four-year-old Brandon Maliba has unfolded with the results of a postmortem examination contradicting initial suspicions. Brandon went missing on December 20 while playing near his family’s rented house in Tuala, Ongata Rongai. His disappearance prompted a frantic search led by his distressed mother, who sought help on social media and reported the incident to local police.
However, the heartbreaking discovery came on December 24 when Brandon’s decomposing body was found in a pit. The autopsy results revealed an unexpected cause of death – drowning, contrary to the family’s belief that he may have been killed by enemies. The mother, in her anguish, had initially suggested possible foul play, even hinting at strangulation by tormentors.
The tragic turn of events has left the family in mourning, grappling with the unexpected loss of their young child. The emotional toll is compounded by the discrepancy between their initial suspicions and the postmortem findings. Brandon Maliba’s final resting place will be in Trans Nzoia County, his parents’ ancestral home, marking the end of a heartbreaking chapter in this deeply unfortunate and distressing incident. The community and authorities are left to grapple with the complexities surrounding the circumstances of the child’s death and the impact on the grieving family.
By Tuko