The Admin Of Kalenjin’s Abroad Facebook page Faith Maina gets trolled by his Facebook fans for asking Diana Chepkemoi why she did not use her voice to help the others who are suffering in Saudi Arabia.

Faith Maina wished Diana Chepkemoi a happy birthday and asked her why she forgot to fight for those in Saudi, she added that Diana’s voice would have played an important role, she added that Diana forgot about the kembois who risked for her for 16 hours.

“It’s Diana Chepkemoi’s birthday .What can you tell her today?Happy birthday but you forgot to fight for those you left in deportation and in Saudi.Your voice could have played an important role. You forgot about kembois who risked for you for 16good hours….Your voice can save thousands ” Faith wrote.

After her statement,Faith Maina got trolled for not letting Diana Chepkemoi have peace. Her fans asked her to let her celebrate her birthday in peace and that since she participated in helping her to travel back to Kenya she has no right to control what she should do.

Faith Maina has apologized to her fans for asking Diana Chepkemoi why she forgot to help the other girls stuck in Saudi.

“Aki nimeshtuka sana 😥😥I am so sorry kwa kuwaambia tusaidianeni mutyo kapsa pole aki nimepiga magoti,” Faith wrote

“I am sorry Diana and the entire Kalenjins Abroad community for calling Diana to be the voice of those she left I sincerely apologize I had no bad intention…I am also sorry for asking wenye walifiika washike wengine mikono.Pole sana. Sometimes we may think we know it all kumbe we know nothing.For the girls in deportation and those whom their lives are in danger….Cry to God hold on he will surely send a helper…sometimes I try hadi nashindwa.Poleni sana Everyone,” Faith wrote.

by: NewstimeKenya


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