Michelle Ntalami is a beautiful woman. That isn’t up for debate and it is an immutable fact the same way we know that blood is always red.
The Marini founder reminded her fans and followers of her beauty (for those in doubt) with a recent post she made today morning.
Michelle’s photo left little to the imagination and was a testament to how hard she works to maintain her physique in her caption.
In it, she reveals that despite going through a lot in her life, she had refused to quit on herself and ‘showed up’ every day in her ‘transitioning’ phase.
Read the motivational message below:
“If there’s one thing mirrors teach us, it’s to show up just as we are. This was a little over 2 months ago. I was about 2 kgs more here than I currently am. I was in the process of transitioning from a lot.
In good and bad times, my eyes are usually my biggest sell-out. So if you can see it, they tell it all. But still, I chose to show up every single day.
“Showing up” doesn’t mean being physically present in spaces or places. It means showing up for yourself and refusing to quit on you, give up or return to unhealthy situations and patterns while being kind to yourself through the process.”
But it’s not always as easy as it sounds. Anytime you choose yourself, your mind, body, and soul will inevitably take a beating for it.
When you are in that space, you may sometimes dislike how you look, think, and feel. And it’s normal to do so, because you are choosing peace which is unfamiliar to you now, over pain, which was previously familiar. Any change, good or bad, is always uncomfortable.
But remember, you are currently “in transit.” Transitioning and shedding your old skin into the new you. Remain soft as you morph. If there’s anything that ought to keep you going, let it be that life can, is and will be beautiful for you after it’s done teaching you what it needs to.🌹
We are losing far too many of us whether mortally, mentally or spiritually. May you please always choose to show up for yourself.
The message will obviously remind fans of the tough break-up that Michelle went through with her former lover.
In previous revelations, she mourned the fact that the lover had cheated on her although Michelle was fully invested in their relationship.
At least, it looks like she is on the road back to recovery.