Gal Gadot has told fans she is pregnant again. The Wonder Woman star, 35, is expecting her third baby with her husband Yaron Varsano. Already the couple raise their daughters Maya, three, and Alma, nine, together. They all crowded around her to take a photograph which showcased her blossoming baby bump in a white slip on dress.
She wrote: “Here we go again.”
All the family were smiling for the gorgeous photograph posted on social media. Gal delighted her 50.2million fans with the pregnancy announcement on Monday. Congratulations from fans and celeb pals alike flooded her Instagram post just minutes after she pressed publish.

Her pregnancy announcement comes after she attended the red carpet for the 78th Annual Golden Globe Awards on Sunday in Beverly Hills. The pregnant star made a glowing arrival in a white dress at the star-studded virtual ceremony. She presented the award for Best Foreign Language Picture.

Gal juggles her high-flying acting career with being a mum to her daughters at home. The star has become best known for her role as Wonder Woman. But the most important role to the actress is being a mum at home.
The Wonder Woman star, 35, is expecting her third baby with her husband Yaron Varsano.
Previously, Gal gushed over how all mums are the real superheroes. Admittedly, her two daughters keep the Hollywood bombshell “grounded” in life.

She said in 2017: “I know this sounds really cheesy but all mums are like Wonder Woman, they really are. Kids don’t know or care about box office records or blockbuster movies. They are like, ‘Yep, you’re Wonder Woman . . . but what’s for dinner?’
“There’s nothing like kids to keep you grounded. I can have a sleepless night with a baby with colic and an early wake-up by my five-year-old.
“But then I’m watching The Cat In The Hat with my daughter and it amazes me how the simplest things are the ones to make us the happiest.”


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