Well, it’s one of those nights when I have those random video calls with a friend who we happen to have same thoughts on all things femininity and masculinity.
It’s interesting when the conversation turns into a battle of the sexes.
Before I drive through my discussion with my friend, can we applause the audacity of women for making gender equality movement all about them.
Feminists relax, it’s not your day! When these individuals think of equality among men and women, they focus on professional opportunities than the interpersonal dynamics.
It’s both insensitive and selfish.
“We are all aware of the throwback era expectations of different-sex dating: men do the asking, men pay the bills, men do the follow up for the next date.
Men pursue; women are the prize.” She said”Men who do not do not adhere to this gender roles are uncivil and women who pursue are desperate. But why? Why, why are men expected to pick the check for dates, and why do women judge them if they don’t?”
She went on to say that it all harks back to an era before these feminisim and gender equality conversations came into play, when men were sole providers for their families, while most women stayed home to care for the kids.
“A man who paid for dates showed that he could fill the role of a provider, and this supported the model of romantic relationship as transactional- an exchange of money and stability for sex and offspring.” Maurine narrated
Women it’s time to be roasted hard, I mean, not even a fellow woman has been on your side.
He argued that women only want feminism when it’s convenient for them. He talked of a term ‘conditional femininity’ which must be very new to most of you- when women offer submission when it’s convenient for them. That attributes such as tenderness, patience , care, passivity came at a price. Men have to deposit some nice coins to get respect and submission from women
I was so used to bashing men off in my articles and I’ve lost the picture that we women can be hypocrites who only want society to serve our own interests.
As the millennial generation, why don’t we explicitly say we are not normal and tradition, so we can write the script ourselves.
We don’t have to buy into the idea that men have to bend till they break, be kinda dopey and well meaning to keep us happy , demand things to be paid for or we withhold sex.
This is an opinion piece, which means that everyone is invited to share his or her thoughts on the same.