Have you ever been confronted with a situation that made you realize you have to dump your man? That’s the discussion below.
A woman has created quite a buzz with a pertinent question to people about the moment they realized it was over with their significant other.
And the stories are horrifying and amusing.
@Lungii_T asked on a viral Twitter thread
Ladies, when did you realise “hmmmm nah he gotta go”
Ladies, when did you realise “hmmmm nah he gotta go”
— IG: Lungile__ (@Lungii_T) October 19, 2021
Less “hmmm nah he gotta go” and more “YA I need to get TF out of here neowww.”
On the 3rd date, he confided that he hit his ex girlfriend multiple times and ends with, “And that’s why I only date calm women now, women who aren’t provoking.”
When we went on a date at Ayoba Cafe (Sunnyside Pretoria)and the couple sitting next to us had ordered food and a bottle of Hennessy. He stood up and went to their table and asked to be poured some Henny. The couple refused. Was so embarrassed
He farted in the car and acted like nothing happened. And it was that moist fart that lingers in the air for long… Haven’t talked to him ever since…
He would repeat underwear for 5 days straight Face vomiting one time I was lying in bed and he sat next to my pillow. The smell that was left on that part of the bed when he got up
When he ghosted me for a day and the next day he told me every year on the same day he looses his memory and forgets everything
He came to visit at my place neh when he took off his shoes the smell,and he was wearing that type of underwear and at that he was skinny kwakuvele kube engathi ibaloon at the back
When he and his friend came to pick me up after work because his friend needed to borrow money from me. He told his friend not to worry coz I just got paid, I’ll give it to him.
Found a g string under his bed ,I asked what it was doing there wathi he polishes his work boots with it
He wanted to see me every day and would call more than once a day on top of that. The final straw was when he wanted me to record a video of myself explaining why I liked him even though I told him that I ‘couldn’t put it into words’ and wouldn’t take that explanation. Ayy bandla
when he started dancing on Tik Tok…everyday was “she’s a runner, she’s a track star”. The last straw was when he bought a ring light
When he lost his job during lockdown and I’d do everything for him including buying groceries. When he got another job I was the last one to find out through his friends. He told this girl on facebook he now has a job when can she come over….