If a woman is married, please also keep in mind that she is single and available to date.
That is for those who want to shot their shot.
On the Tuesday February 22 conversation women explained that that Kenyan men don’t get that concept. Maina Kageni agreed saying ‘are you married but single and can you speak out?
do you know 70 per cent of Kenyan women are married but they are single. Literally either you are not there, sometimes even when you are married you can go a month or two and not talk or see each other, he disappears without you seeing him, but in his mind you are still his, you are just there’
Mwalimu Kingangi was upset and tried to defend men ‘I see where you are going with this. Nimekupata najua mahali unaelekea you want men to vurutana kama kamba can we agree first of all hakuna time kwanza ladies who are married to politicians, do you expect them to have time no? kazi saa hii’
Maina opened up the discussion tot he audience and women told that they don’t get attention from husbands so they resort to side men. This they said with no regret.