When I talk about celebrities, I really want to know where they get their cash from. Wirbroda is a radio presenter and a business woman.

Question is, how much do these people earn?

Wirbroda was in company of her friend Jeridah Andayi who she was offering a ride to. On the small video Jeridah was trying to open the exquisite car. Wirbroda directed her in how to open it and the both drove off. Her friend who was recording the video told her how blessed she was and how she had moved up to a different class.

From the video, the car was an expensive car. It was the model of a jeep. Having the least knowledge about cars, I am sure that jeeps are expensive, very expensive as a matter of fact.

How this brings me to my question, how do celebrities afford these things they show us on social media.

This is a day after she attended akothee’s wedding in the same beautiful car.

Source: https://instagram.com/stories/jeridah.andayi/3078481252689018542?igshid=MDJmNzVkMjY=

by: Carrie@brandy


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