Raila’s daughter Winnie Odinga has left netizens talking on different social media platforms. This is after she left many surprised by joining her father’s demos.
According to the source, Winnie was not among the leaders who started demos from Lavington but just to steals the show by joining the Azimio team in Kibera.
Now, this news concerning Winnie surprising many by joining Raila’s demonstrations, has gone viral on different social media platforms where by, it’s sparking mixed reactions currently.
Many are out to say that Winnie has proved many wrong mostly those ones from KK who has been saying that Raila is using ordinary Kenyans to demonstrate and not his children while, others are out praising Winnie for showing love to her father at the same time.
Anyway, what’s your take on Winnie Odinga joining Raila in demos? Make me know through the comments section below. Share your thoughts as you share this news to your friends.
by: cdkafrica.com