The war between Willy Paul and Miss P seems to have escalated further.
Willy P got a court order stopping Miss P – real name Queen Picasah – from talking about the alleged sexual assault by Willy Paul after her interview with vlogger Presenter Ali went viral.
Will Paul also sued the vlogger.
Now, Willy Paul has taken the battle to new levels and put in a trademark application for the brand name ‘Miss P’.
According to an IP lawyer who spoke to Mpasho, “if he gets the trademark she can never use that name again. If she does he sues her.”
The trademark application reads: “Registration of this mark shall give no right to the exclusive use of the word “MISS” and the letter “P” each separately and apart from the mark as a whole.”
The rights to the brand name belong to Saldido International Entertainment limited.
The application has not gone through yet, it has been documented on May 31, 2022, in Kenya Industrial Property Institute’s (KIPI) monthly journal of the patents, industrial designs, utility models and trademarks.
Miss P dropped Willy Paul’s Saldido records after they disagreed and was signed by another management company called Jabali Entertainment.
She still uses the name Miss P and recently released her music project called Chuni.
Miss P can object to this application. She has until the end of July to do so.
Once an application is accepted for registration, “notice is given that any person who has grounds to the registration of any of the trademarks advertised within these classes may within 60 days from the date of the journal lodge a notice of opposition.”
Miss P will be charged Ksh 5,000.
According to KIPI, “The period of lodging the notice of opposition may be extended by the registrar as he deems fit and upon such terms as he may direct. Any requests for such extensions should be made to the Registrar to reach him before the expiry period allowed.
Formal opposition should not be lodged until after reasonable notice has been given in writing to the applicant for registration to afford him an opportunity of withdrawing his application before the expense of preparing the notice of opposition is incurred.”…/2022-06-23-willy-paul…/


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