Today in the afternoon, the president of this country, Dr William Samoe Ruto has reportedly made three new appointments on his goverment just a day after he appointed 10 cabinet secretaries.

As reported by the State House spokesperson, Ruto has appointed Mr Douglas Kanja to be the new inspector general of police after acting for nearly two weeks. On his second appointment, Ruto appointed Eliud Kipkoech Lagat as deputy inspector general of Kenya Police Service. Ruto also appointed Mr Gilbert Masengeli as the new deputy inspector general of police for Administration Police Service.

Finally, Ruto named Gilbert Masengeli as the acting inspector general as we wait for Douglas Kanja’s confirmation. Douglas Kanja upon confirmation will succeed Japheth Koome as the police chief. Koome resigned from this position after public pressure. Mr Japheth Koome was blamed for police brutality that were witnessed during the Gen Z protests in various parts of the country.

By Kenyans

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