The church has a flood of terrible pastors taking advantage of their flock
I will not lie, every time I see another video of a church pastor making his congregation do something silly and unbiblical, I really get pissed.
This past weekend Mpashogram shared two videos of ‘men of God’ making their ‘sheep’ do unfathomable things that cannot be justified in the Bible. Check out the ridiculous videos below;
We can criticise those leaders until we get hoarse, but their bad behaviour and the baffling wiggle room their flock allow them will keep going on.
But why does the church have such a problem, especially as far as these terrible leaders scamming their followers go?
Simple. The foundation of these ‘men o Go’ are built on false doctrine, which they in turn preach as truth to their flock.
The bad actors preach a ‘gospel’ that extols the virtues of man’s work as far as their salvation goes which is against the true gospel which says that salvation is completely God’s work.
This means that God’s grace (which is what the gospel is based on) isn’t able to work in people’s lives. Like Paul says in Galatians 2:21. “I do not set aside the grace of God, for if righteousness could be gained through the law, Christ died for nothing!”
Watch the video below for a better explanation of what the real gospel is;
As these false prophets aren’t led by the spirit of Christ they focus on taking the place of the Son of God himself. Their churches then become institutions of religion (led by man) instead of faith (led by God).
The churches then become a study in the cult of personality, with the pastor becoming the sun to his congregation.
Everything the pastor then says is above reproach for his congregants who are shamed if they try to entertain a contrary and opposing thought to their leader.
So if one has a problem with the pastor, they are either told to put up with it or get out-The latter really isn’t an option for sheep desperately looking for spiritual direction in this cold world.
So the sheep decides to stay in the toxic environment with the psychotic pastor, choking the alarm bells telling his inner man that their man of God is a false prophet.
In summary, unless the pastors are firmly and fundamentally rooted in teaching Christ and his Cross as Paul says in 1st Corinthians 2:2, then sadly nothing will change with them.
In fact, their antics will get much much worse. This is only the preamble.