Years after exiting the showbiz stage, renowned music producer Tedd Josiah finds nothing interesting in the industry currently.
Speaking on conversations with Terryanne, Tedd said that the new generation of musicians is fond of creating pornographic content.
“Why is it that black music is being used to sexualise and make women look like sexual objects? Black music has moved and now it’s sexualising the men,” Tedd Josiah explained.
After welcoming his daughter and starting Joka Jok business, Tedd Josiah has not been working on music projects.
This, he said, does not mean that he has exited the stage for life.
“Music is like that girlfriend that you can’t ever give up. I love her, but I don’t know if I wanna be with her. I have a lot of music I have not released that I would like to release before the good Lord calls me,” he explained.
Tedd Josiah’s girlfriend Regina Katar died when their daughter was 3 months old.
Years later, Tedd has not found a new mum for Jay because he isn’t sure of finding the best lady.
“I had to be careful because opportunists can take advantage of you. They pretend they want to be the new mum but unfortunately want the limelight and a piece of what they see on social media.
Being a parent isn’t fun people think it’s just fun because they see laughing babies on Instagram. They don’t see the days when you want to pull your hair out.”