Teaching is one of the most respectable professions in Kenya. Teachers are known to be incharge of moulding other professions such as Medicine, Engineering, Law among others.

Despite being a noble profession, teachers are lowly paid. According to Teachers Service Commission (TSC), the starting salary of a primary school teacher is 49,694 which is the basic salary.

With the introduction of the 1.5% housing fee, teachers have a heavy burden to carry home after the other deductions such as Payee, NSSF, NHIF among others.

It is because of these deductions that teachers remain with very little amount that cannot sustain their families especially during these hard economic times.

According to Daily Nation Newspaper, a section of teachers in unspecified parts of the country have opted to go for alcohol as a way of managing stress.

It is very embarrassing to this noble profession that a teacher can publicly opt to take alcohol as a way of managing stress but do they have an option?

by: @Latest

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