According to reports, a trailer rammed into a 14 seater matatu that had been stopped by Traffic Police at the Eveready Roundabout in Nakuru. Eight people sadly lost their lives and it has emerged that Traffic Police who had stopped the matatu were forced to flee the accident scene.
The Kaptembwa Police officers had stopped the matatu and were allegedly taking a bribe before the deadly accident happened.
Following that angered Kenyans confronted them, blaming them for the accident. The cops were forced to flee the accident scene.
An eye witness lamented and blamed the officer’s corruption and greed as the cause of the accident that claimed 8 lives.
“Corruption and greed for 50 bob by our traffic officers taking bribes from Matatus has led to the deaths of many innocent souls” an eye witness said as quoted by
The trailer allegedly lost brakes and rammed into the Matatu that had been stopped by the officers killing 8 people. May their souls rest in peace!