As reported by The Nation, this took place during a Ramogi Institute of Advanced Technology fundraising occasion. Jaramogi won Jaramogi’s by-election in Bondo with no challengers. Nobody felt the need to oppose him at the time because politics in the area were peaceful. For the celebration, he decided to hold it on the institute’s grounds.

The two leaders were unable to reach an agreement because of his description of Jomo Kenyatta, the first president of Kenya, as a high-class “land thief” the week before the event. While Robert Ouko was present, he spoke these words.

The president talked furiously about leaders who were abusing language when it wasn’t necessary when he came for the event. He did not take the food that had been prepared for him before he departed.

According to local custom, it was deemed the height of disrepect for a guest of honor to leave even before eating the food that had been prepared for him or her. The local community therefore realized right once that there was a problem between the two leaders.

by: BBGHOTNeWs254


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