It is a common saying that a man can not leave his wife for you; a side chick.
But the vice versa is also true in most cases; most men can not leave their side chicks.
Even though the side relationships are considered to be disadvantaged most of the time, sometimes a man could be having a more strong bond with the side-chick compared to his wife.
But why do men rarely leave their side chicks even after being nabbed and threatened by their wives?
A number of men tend to keep their side chicks longer because of their delusions. Most of such relationships are rooted in fantasy where the man sees the ‘Mpango wa Kado’ as the ideal woman.
Sexual gains is one of the reason he can not leave his side dish. Some men do not find satisfaction in their marriage, hence seek it from a side chick.
Having a specific side-dish not only keeps him safe but also saves them a lot of money. That is why he may keep a side-chick for as long as his marriage lasts.
Other men keep extramarital affairs for long because they lack the determination to work on the root cause of dissatisfaction in their marriage. They lack the determination to make one relationship work.
For other men, cheating is just a habit they do not want to let go of. Therefore even if he/ she leaves his side chick, in one way or another, he will find her replacement.