Many speculated that might have fired over comments she had made during a past interview.

In an interview with Ala C, Wanjiru has now said she left Kameme because her contract had come to an end.

She was replaced by Jeff Njoroge.

“Many jobs have contracts and they end.

I did not tell people because people had already concluded I had been fired.

I was only waiting for my days to end.

People were digging dirt where there was none.”

Where did the problems begin?

“During the interview,I said that if there is something that helped me it’s TikTok. I was encouraging people to use their platforms wisely to earn a living.

People assumed me saying that was what got me fired. It affected me but I had a strong support system. It’s been less than a month since I left Kameme FM.

It was alleged Wanjiru was fired from Kameme TV after saying that she did not study journalism.

In an interview, she said that she was hired by Kameme as a TV presenter despite her having no idea of broadcasting.

Wanjiru said that she studied hospitality and via her close friend’s connections, she landed a job at Kameme TV.

After this interview, she was fired

Wanjiru who is also a Mugithi artist is the wife to fellow Tiktoker Njogu Mbote

” We met through my Tiktok lives.

One day he requested my number so that he could send me a token of my appreciation for my good work. He sent me 1 bob.

She says they are not officially married.

By Mpasho

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