Details have now emerged that the Opposition leader Raila Odinga was invited as the Chief Guest at a key event that’s currently underway in Mt Kenya region.

In a report issued by senior Citizen TV Journalist Seth Olale on Wednesday morning, Raila is currently attending the official launch of the MauMau Foundation, Website and a Memoir.

The decision to invite the former Prime Minister as the Chief Guest to such prestigious event other than the Second in Command Rigathi Gachagua who has since claimed to be the true son of MauMau could now cause controversy.

Raila on the other hand has been a key player in the country’s political history, based on his interesting and detailed explanations on how the MauMau fought for the country’s independence.

Over the past few days, Raila has been in Mt Kenya region for reasons not known to many. Just yesterday, he was reported to have held a meeting with a section of youth leaders from central Kenya.

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