Hon. Cate Waruguru, has just highlighted a video on her official Facebook page. Netizens have flooded on her official timeline, each giving his/her thoughts after watching the said video. One concerned Kenyan who has been identified as Jonrux Ndoch, decided to ask Waruguru about ousted deputy president Rigathi Gachagua’s silence. To him, he has not heard Gachagua saying anything after his last presser the other day when he was leaving Karen hospital.

Ndoch asked Waruguru in Swahili language saying, “Mhesh…Rigathi Gachagua amenyamaza sana, situtamsahau?” He wrote. To mean, ousted Dp has gone silent, he is therefore worried that possibly, Gachagua might end up being forgotten. Upon seeing that question, Hon. Cate Waruguru replied him, telling him that Gachagua is ok, doing absolutely fine. Waruguru in her reply, identified Gachagua as Mt. Kenya region One (Mrima1). Possibly Ndoch is now satisfied after getting a reply from Hon. Waruguru.

In the said comment section, another netizen decided also to reply to Ndoch, his name is Paul Kanui. He told him, currently Rigathi Gachagua cannot speak as he used to do. Possible reason could be, his case is before the court, therefore he’s restricted from saying anything until when the matter will be fully heard and a ruling be announced.

A faction of Waruguru’s followers have advised her to reach out to ousted deputy president and advise him to form a political party that he can use to negotiate power sharing deal in 2027 during general elections.

This information has been highlighted on the official Facebook page of Hon. Cate Waruguru.

By Kenyans

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