A photo of activist Morara Kebaso having a water licking meal at his home has raised mixed reactions from Kenyans on the internet. The photo which surfaced shortly after Morara was arrested shows him and his friends enjoying a delicious meal at his home.
The blogger who posted the photo claimed that Morara was using the money raised by Kenyans to support his movement to enjoy himself. Blogger Nyagah told Kenyans that they were fools to send Morara their money to enjoy himself with.
“Kebaso Morara enjoying your money. Wajinga nyinyi!” Nyagah said.
However, his efforts to paint a dark picture of Morara’s work did not change the minds of Kenyans who immediately defended him. Many said that they gave the money willingly and if he misuses it they don’t care. Others told Nyagah that he was only poor because such a set up for a meal is normal in many homes.
They told him he was just poor and hungry and that made him see other people’s successes as fraud.
Morara has been receiving donations from Kenyans to support his work of exposing the government. His work has not been very easy because government bloggers have been working hard to paint a bad picture of his work. He is however determined to fight for Kenyans no matter the hurdles he is facing.
By Newsmedia