The history of vehicle numberplates dates back in the year 1892, in France, where they were the first country to introduce the registration plates under the Paris Police Ordinance on 14 August 1893. The country that followed the footsteps of France was Germany which introduced them in the year 1896. In the revolutionization and technological advancement which became rapid during those days, Netherlands became the first country to launch a national registration plate, which was popularly known as driving permit, which dates back in the year 1898. Initially the plates were named orderly starting at 1, but there was a change in the year 1906.

However, as industrialization intensified, most of the African countries started importing different models of vehicles from the developed countries. The African governments had to adapt to the numberplates system, and develop their own unique vehicle registration systems. Different organizations have got different numberplates to distinguish them. Some of these parties are parastatals, learning institutions, non governmental organizations and the government vehicles.

The Kenyan government introduced the National Transport and Safety Authority, whereby all the vehicles are supposed to be registered under it for easy identification. In the case of change of vehicle ownership, the seller is supposed to make the government know, through the portal. In this governmental portal, drivers can also apply for their driving licenses and also renew them if expired.

However it is a law that both the front and the back numberplates should be well fixed all the times when one is on the road. For senior government officers, the vehicles may be fitted with the Kenyan flag. Contrary to this, retired president Uhuru Kenyatta was spotted having his car numberplate upside down. This attracted lots of media personnel and they wanted to know what could be the cause of the happening. However, it was stated that, in the case of such an happening, something which is worrying to the government has been witnessed in the country. The numberplate of the president’s vehicle being upside down signified that something is out of order. The president had come to announce to Kenyans that the country has recorded its first covid 19 case. This had been quite alarming to the government of Kenya, since it had not prepared adequately to handle the pandemic which had been wrecking havoc in different countries.

By hubskenya

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