The Kenyan musician best known as DNA has been out of the music for sometime now and many might have been wondering where he might be. DNA is best known for his songs like Fimbo, Una Maswali mengi and many more songs. He has been entertaining Kenyans with his good songs with vibes and real people like his songs.

The musician has been out of the limelight for sometime now without him releasing a new song. DNA speaking in Radio Jambo, he narrated how he lost his only son called Jamal while in school. DNA said that his son was everything to him and when he heard the news that his son has drown while in school, he went into too much depression.

“Ilinipiga vibya sana. Unajua mtoto wangu alikuwa ndio kila kitu. Kuna vitu visivyo vya kawaida kama kumpoteza mtoto ambaye hakuwa mgonjwa. Baada ya kumpoteza Jamal, kidogo tu niwapoteze watoto wengine kutokana na kuzama kwenye lindi la mawazo,”

After the musician lost his son he went into depression that he could not even understand himself. I think this is what might have made him to stay away from music so that he can deal with the situation first. He could have not done music while he was depressed, so he needed time to heal first.

by: Carolkerry


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