In a statement to the media on February 12, 2007, the police commissioner named Matheri the nation’s most dangerous enemy. According to Wambui, that was the worst period of her life. His photos were in every newspaper and on the police website.
By this time, he was routinely bringing an AK-47 home. Wambui claims he refused to surrender even after she begged him to.On February 20, 2007, Matheri’s wife’s house and the homes of her neighbours were encircled by up to a hundred law enforcement officials, including special agents.
Matheri, his bodyguard, and co-defendant Elias Gathumbi Osama were instructed to surrender by covering their heads and departing the premises while inside the apartment.
Fearing that the police might kill him instead of making an arrest, he refused to attend. He was asked to give up, nevertheless, so that his wife and six children would be secure. She also warned him that if he didn’t turn himself in, the police would shoot at the house, just like they had promised.
The husband heeded his wife’s plea and, after complying with the police’s request to surrender, left the house with his fists clenched in his head.As they were leaving the house, his wife’s neighbours also heard gunfire.
An assailant has killed the guy on the Most Wanted list.Wambui and the rest of the Wambui family therefore experienced a great feeling of relief upon Matheri’s passing.
Wambui visited Matheri at her home in Gachie following the death of her husband, but she was unable to find solace there. Her neighbours were suspicious of her, and Matheri’s in-laws were drawn to the “home goods” she had left behind.
She had never forgotten the idea of the same folks returning for her after eight family residences had burned down during her earlier stay at the ranch.
By Kenyans