In my recent interview with Eddie Butita, the musician told me that his 2020 had been a marvelous one with some doors closing in his life while bigger ones opened.
In that same interview, I asked the chocolate-skinned comedian what his plans were for 2021, considering his successes digitally as an entertainer?
He said that he had many plans but the one he was most focused on was promoting his new online network for the youth. “I’ve already started on is an online network that I have been creating called SPMbuzz. It’s running already. it’s an idea where I want to engage youth in the things that are taking place. Topics like social issues, lifestyle, things like that, basically we are representing all feelings in one platform.”
So would it be different from an international platform like Twitter or Facebook? “No, it’s like a media network just running on YouTube,” he replied.
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And what was the feedback to SPMbuzz from Kenyans? “Since it’s a new idea we are giving it time to see how it will develop into something good,” Eddie replied.
As an entertainer what was his opinion of the government’s handling of covid-19 as an entertainer? He told me he wasn’t happy noting the double standards he and other entertainers face.
“There are double standards. I don’t understand why every time there’s a speech about the new protocols no one touches on entertainment,” he complained.
“They will talk about bars being opened or matatus but they never talk about entertainment, so we are confused. I don’t know if I will be able to do a gig, whether it will be closed or not. It’s a grey area. They’re ignoring this industry that is making a lot of money. They are restricting entertainers from the same things they are allowing other people to do,” he warily added.
The final question I put to the comedian was about relationships. I asked him what he looked for in a woman? Eddie who has frequently been linked to fellow comedian Eunice Mammito answered with a short and succinct answer.
“Greatness!” was his one-word response.


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