Popularly known Bahati’s wife Diana has today caused a lot of mixed reactions and feelings from the Kenyans after a video of him and his house boy by the name Justin has gone viral.Diana decided to surprise his house boy with a good news for being a good person in his homestead. Justin is believed to be working for Diana and he has been so good in his work in that it has called for a celebration.Diana said that she had decided to surprise Justin because he had been committed to his work and despite the current celebration of the fathers day, he had not be celebrated.

To show that she cared about him, she decided to buy her new clothes and shoes so that he could look smart.

It did not stop there, she decided to take him out so that he could also enjoy himself like all the other fathers out there who had a good celebration. This incident has however raised a lot of mixed reactions and feelings from the Kenyans in that they did not expect that Diana was going to do such a thing with her house boy.

What are your mixed though, feelings and opinions about this issue raised by Diana Bahati taking his house boy out? Feel free and most welcome to share down below in the comment section and please do not forget to like, share and follow for more latest news and updates to come from Kenya.

by: KoechNews

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