So, Steve and his wife have come out to say that they’re fine and they don’t understand what all this fiasco is about. And then you’re left wondering if all those were white lies – because no one has put forth any solid proof in the form of photos or communications, who concocted them, and what was their aim? How do you lie on a person who is alive since they’ll just come out and dispute your lies? What was all that about?
Welcome to the psychology of propaganda. Two things you need to know; when you become successful at anything, whether it’s on a global scale or just a community or family scale, you will become the target of propaganda. The main aim of a smear campaign is to discredit you and bring you down. This gives those who hate you a triumphant feeling.
The second aim is to ride on your name to get attention. If they write something about you, whether true or false, they will trend. In the case of this couple, blogs passed on the stories without bothering to verify or wait for the couple’s response in hopes of generating traffic into their sites, even if only for a few days. Reasonable people don’t publish defamatory content before it is cross-checked. But there are content creators who have no content, and they just hunt for anyone they can throw mud on.
Usually, they don’t generate stories directly lest they get sued for defamation. What happened with Harvey’s is very rare. Ordinarily, your haters will pick something you actually said or did, and then they twist the context or the interpretation. The idea is to malign your character without committing an offence by the law.
If you can get angry and start posting content in response, you add fuel to their campaign. The only rational response is one decisive action that is as impersonal and unemotional as possible. Something equivalent of firing one shot to the head of the dragon.
We get this lesson from the best person we could learn from, the Ancient of Days himself. That’s how he dealt with the chief propagandist in the Palace that time, Lucifer. He flushed him out like lightning. Of course, the enemy will always try to fight back, ‘There was war in heaven, Michael and his angels fighting the dragon.’ But it wasn’t really a war but a knockout.
The dragon then fled to the annexed territory of the King, the Earth, and totally destroyed it until it was void and formless. (Genesis 1:2) The King then came and rebuilt the earth and put his agents there, creatures bearing his image. The enemy still went ahead to do what he had done in heaven – to spread propaganda and fake news that ‘There’s nobody in charge. Everything made itself. People somehow developed from monkeys. And the monkeys, in turn, happened after something blasted by itself. The aim is to persuade many to join his side. That is where things stand today. And so a final battle has been scheduled at the Valley of Armagedon, not too long from now.
I digress, but you know he’s good at propaganda because many have bought into the Theory of Randomness that says that the King is a non entity. All this despite everything they have, including their own DNA bearing the unmistakable signature of an intelligent designer.
In short, when you start to build your small kingdom, expect an uprising. That is the way of the world. Your ability to thrive despite all of it will depend on how swiftly and decisively you crack the whip and silence the noise. Sometimes, this will mean ending an association or relationship at once, even if it had existed for a very long time.
by: Paulinew